Scott and Sharon

A blog about two people who fell in love by the grace of God.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Two Year Tribute

Click here to read a tribute from Sharon and I on the two year anniversary of Jody's home-going.

Thank you for your prayers for us!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 - New Stuff!

Slideshow, Photos, Movies, Galleries, New Blog... Enjoy!

We so appreciate all of you! We ALMOST have the thank you notes out! If you should have opportunity to pray for us:

1. We need to sell Sharon's lovely Salon in AZ.
2. We need to rent (or sell) Sharon's AZ home in a tough market.
3. We need to find a rental management company in AZ.
4. I am working around the clock for a big deadline at work - and am praying for stamina to finish well!
5. Sharon and I are working our way through the book of Romans and have been so blessed by our time together. Please pray that the Spirit would continue to illuminate the Word to our minds and hearts.

Rom. 8:29-32 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? - See you there!

Sneak peak - :-)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Scott and Sharon Dot Net

will be teeming

with wedding bliss


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Farewell, sweet studio dog.

Sharon and I have lost a special friend. Thank you Lord, for the joy of having furry companions.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Why I Love Sharon Kay Colyer

  1. Jesus Christ is her sufficiency. She loves Him for real.
  2. She responds to biblical truth, and it impacts her life in real-time.
  3. She loves to worship God.
  4. Her heart is on-beyond huge and she is so naturally kind.
  5. She is, very particular, about, proper, use of commas. ;-)
  6. She puts ginger on top of the Sushi. (That's just wrong.)
  7. She makes pillows by hand, and handles a sewing machine like Basie handled a big band.
  8. When she sings, she sounds wonderfully like Carly Simon.
  9. She loves virtually anything with sauce.
  10. She has discovered the virtues of OSX.
  11. She is so crazy beautiful to me - and her blue eyes are my addiction.
  12. She can tell you molecular stuff about hair and make it fascinating.
  13. She can work a hard twelve hour day and afterwards still smile and be sweet.
  14. Wow can she cook.
  15. She knows what good music is - in any style.
  16. This is a woman of courage.
  17. I love the sound of her voice - and the words that she chooses throughout the day.
  18. She records her OGM almost everyday.
  19. She has lovely handwriting. I marvel.
  20. She has the prettiest hands I've ever seen.
  21. I love her family too. They are so fun.
I can not wait to be married to this unique and precious treasure of a woman!

Prov. 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.

Thank you, Lord Jesus my Savior, for Sharon Kay Colyer.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Welcome and... We're engaged!

She said "Yes!"

The night was sublime - Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2007; at midnight!

God is so good!

He has turned my mourning into dancing - and given me more joy then I ever thought possible!

Sharon Kay Colyer - my fianceé! I praise the Lord! She is a stunning woman inside and out with a tremendous heart for Christ, a great wit, myriads of talent, and I love her so very much!

This photo was taken just a couple hours
before I popped the question... :-)

Sharon had no idea where we we're going. All she knew was "It will be dressy". After asking if she would mind driving her car ( a successful rouse!), the door opened to reveal a chauffeured Town Car waiting in the driveway. Our first stop? Where else! The Rancho Park Golf Club - to hit a bucket of balls with our friend Jeremy Lubbock!

Stealth, covert photographer Ed Rudolph captured a few great moments with my dear friend Jeremy...

Windy and Cold - but we were too excited to care!

Next location... Here we are in front of the Cheesecake Factory, Beverly Hills to reminisce about our first meet at the C.F. in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Meanwhile, back at the house, a bistro was created in front of the Christmas tree and a roaring fire. Our friends Byron and Rachel Talbot prepared and served us a six course gourmet extravaganza!

After dinner, the proposal ensued with words of love, lots of gifts and an excruciating parade of small ring boxes with various gifts inside. Finally, the ring was presented in a 4 inch pillow that Sharon had handmade a few weeks earlier!

Our first family photo - engaged - Christmas day! Praise God!

Here's a teeny video...

More to come!